St. John’s Cathedral Norwich has been linked to our twinned parish of Tambogrande Peru since 1974. Initially started by the Third World Group the link is under the remit of The Justice and Peace Group. We support the work of The Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur. Over the years we have supported a wide range of projects from providing capital for wells, bee projects, subsidised school supplies and emergency medical assistance for example transport to an epilepsy clinic in the city of Piura. Epilepsy is a significant problem in this part of Peru.
Since 2010 we have supported the workers in the Fe Y Alegria 48 network which is headed up by Peruvian Sister Marleny. She and Belgian Sr Marie-Laure work with teachers, psychologists, agricultural specialists providing free education to children in 30 settings in the area. They range for example from a one- roomed nursery class to a rural high school with an organic garden, beehives, a reservoir, guinea pig production unit. A unique feature is that the schools provide a daily meal for the children.
Since 2010 we have supported the community by paying the salary of Ricardo an agriculture teacher who works in a rural high school. We also pay for Wilma a health worker working in the rural school network overseen by the Sisters. Ricardo taught the children very practical skills in planting, caring for and harvesting food. The funding for this post has been transferred to the education authority. From 2019 we now support only Wilma.
Contact Details
Justice and Peace Treasurer
Philip Jimenez
Tambogrande Co-ordinator
Sarah Ebelewicz

About Wilma
Wilma has a variety of roles. Pre Covid pandemic she has overseen the school kitchens and their staff, helped monitor the sanitation at the schools and supported the mothers working in the school snack kiosks. Wilma has also overseen hygiene programmes and vaccination programmes with a local nurse.
Since Covid she visits 5 villages noting signs of illness, malnutrition, destitution and families needing extra health. Wilma then assists in directing the extra help the families need. She also has been taking reading books to children helping with reading.
We need to raise £2,000 annually for Wilma and although we have some regular donors we do need extra funds. Cash donations can be placed in the Tambogrande slot in the North Porch. If you would like to donate larger amounts or help with fundraising that would be very welcome.

Latest News
Wilma is paid $350 US monthly, about £270. We have £115 from regular standing order donors each month but need to fundraise to find the shortfall.
We would be grateful for help fundraising or can support anyone wishing to help by undertaking a sponsored event for example. Donations can be gift aided.
Please contact Sarah or Philip from the Justice and Peace Group (details above) if you wish to help or donate, either regularly or as a one off.