As well as living the Christian life at home in our families, in our work, and in the world, we can help support the Church’s mission of evangelisation by volunteering our time and skills at the Cathedral. The mission of the Church is three-fold: to worship God, to teach the truth, and to serve others in love.
How to Volunteer
If you are interested in any of these volunteer ministries in the Cathedral, the Narthex, or the wider parish community, please speak to any of the priests, or contact the Cathedral Office.
Worship God
We may wish to help augment the ceremonial worship of God in a ministerial way, using our musical skills, by reading or serving, by our other creative talents in art, flower arranging, gardening, cleaning, in welcoming others to the sacred liturgies and in stewardship, and manual work in and around the Cathedral building. There are endless opportunities for working alone or with others.
- Liturgical ministry: reading, singing or playing, serving or stewarding.
- Practical ministry: gardening, flower arranging, cleaning, manual work.

Teach the Truth
We may wish to help in a ministry of teaching, or of welcoming, which is an act of evangelisation. There are opportunities to volunteer to teach the faith to others (if you are seriously interested, we sponsor your training as an adult catechist), or to help accompaniment of those becoming Catholic in friendship and kindness; we may wish to volunteer as a tour guide or a welcomer, especially during open days, and in the holiday season.
- Teaching ministry: catechesis, technical (internet and multimedia) support, librarian.
- Accompaniment ministry: friendship, marriage preparation support, prayer.
- Welcoming ministry: stewards, tour guides, heritage volunteering.
Serve Others in Love
On site, we may wish to volunteer time in our cafe, or in our shop, or in our local community, you may wish to spend some time supporting others in prayer, in friendship and in practical charity.
- Hospitality ministry: cafe and shop volunteers, parish social events, friendship and solidarity.
- Visiting ministry: visiting the sick, hospital chaplaincy support, Society of St Vincent de Paul, care of the poor and needy.
You may not even know what you want to do, but know you want to do something.