Parish Groups

I wish to

Prayer Groups and Fellowships

Charismatic Prayer Group

The Charismatic Prayer Group is a lively and informal group who meet together to praise and worship God, share and discuss the Word of God, pray for each other and pray for people’s intentions. All are welcome.

Please contact Rob: 01603 460764 or email

Daytime Prayer Group

The Daytime Prayer Group meet on Monday mornings term-time at 133 West Pottergate, praying with the psalms, the rosary, interceding for the real needs of our local community and the needs of the Church.

Please contact Helen on 01603 623858 or email

Mothers’ Prayer Group

The Mothers’ Prayer Group meet on the first Tuesday of the month after the 10am Mass. Open to all women with a mother’s spirit, this group gathers together to pray for our families, and then socialise over coffee and cake in the Narthex.

Please contact Joan MacInnes at


The Rosary is prayed after 10am Mass Monday to Friday in the Lady Chapel.

Teresian Prayer Group

Teresian Prayer Group meets on the third Tuesday of the month 4.30pm – 5.30pm, to reflect on the writings of the Carmelite saints. 

Please contact Joan MacInnes at

First Friday Adoration

First Friday Adoration takes place on the first Friday of the Month. The Blessed Sacrament is exposed on the High Altar for Adoration after the 10am Mass and concludes with Benediction at 4pm. We pray especially for the Bishop, our priests, vocations, and the special needs of our community. The Chaplet of Divine Mercy is prayed together at 3pm, before Benediction. All are welcome, even for a short time.

Young Adults' Group of Bl. Chiara

The Young Adults’ Group of Bl. Chiara meet every Wednesday in the Cathedral at 7pm for prayer and fellowship, with the last Wednesday for group socials. They also organise discussion groups and game evenings. A great way to make friends of your own age. Open to young people aged 18-39, parishioners as well as students.

Please email or speak to any of the priests.

Parish Groups

Teaching the Truth

Children’s Liturgy

Children's Liturgy Registration

Children of the parish are invited to participate in Children’s Liturgy of the Word which is held on Sundays during the 9am Mass term-time. This is an opportunity for our children to receive the Gospel message in an age appropriate way and a stepping stone towards full participation in the Mass when they are older. Please register your children for Children’s Liturgy by scanning the QR code. You only need to register once each academic year.  

Secular Order of Discalced Carmelites

The Secular Order of Discalced Carmelites meet at the Cathedral on the last Saturday of the month. To find out about the Carmelite vocation, please email Joan MacInnes at

For information of the Order nationally, please visit

Secular Franciscan Order

The Secular Franciscan Order is a public association of the faithful, committed to walking towards Jesus in the footsteps of St Francis. The Norwich Fraternity meets St George’s Catholic Church. Everyone is always most welcome to come along and join us. Please contact any of the priests if you are interested.

Meeting Place:
St George’s Catholic Church
223 Sprowston Road
Norwich NR3 4HZ

Service of Love

Catholic Fund for Overseas Development

CAFOD [Catholic Fund for Overseas Development] is the official Catholic aid agency for England and Wales. It responds to emergencies worldwide and also sponsors self-help development projects in 75 countries. There is an active CAFOD group at the Cathedral working to raise awareness of CAFOD and to raise funds for its work.

Please contact the Cathedral Office or speak to any of the priests if you are interested in supporting this practical charity.

Prison Fellowship Norwich

Prison Fellowship Norwich meets in the Narthex on the last Friday of the month to pray for our local prison and to provide practical help. Prison Fellowship is a national ecumenical organisation.

If you would like to hear about what we do in Norwich, please email Joan MacInnes at

Justice and Peace Group

The Justice and Peace Group covers the whole Catholic community in Norwich, all our city parishes. Its primary aim is to promote greater understanding of the issues in development, peace and the environment.

Please contact the Cathedral Office or speak to any of the priests if you are interested in supporting this practical charity.

Network for a Better World

Network for a Better World [N4BW] is a ‘sending’ charity affiliated to the Catholic Missionary Union (CMU). Their trustees, members and friends come from parishes all over the UK. They are presently working with a parish in Southern Malawi run by the Montfort Order (Company of Mary). N4BW recruit lay people as volunteers who wish to share their experience, knowledge and skills with others. They have sent volunteers with backgrounds in health, education, business, social work and sport! They also have volunteers who work and support them here in the UK, whether as administrators, promoters, or fundraisers.

If you are interested in Network for a Better World, even just to learn more about their aims and objectives, please contact Andrew at or call 01603 250649.

St Vincent de Paul Society

St Vincent de Paul Society [SVP] is part of a wider Catholic organisation, our local SVP is actively involved in the practical needs of the poor and deprived in our city, meeting weekly in the Narthex.

Please contact the Cathedral Office or speak to any of the priests if you are interested in joining this group, which also has at its heart the spiritual welfare of its members, as well as those it supports in practical and loving ways.

Hospital Volunteers

Our Hospital Volunteers [NNUH] is a busy place, and there are always many Catholics in need of pastoral care. Hospital volunteers really do help the work of the Catholic Chaplain, with pastoral care of those in hospital, with sacramental triage, helping determine who specifically needs a priest, as well as the joy of working together as a team and with people of other faiths to support the sick in their time of need.

Please contact the Cathedral Office or speak to any of the priests if you are interested.


Catenians are local Catholic businessmen meeting socially on a regular basis, also helping to provide some practical support for Catholic purposes.

Please speak to any of the priests if you are interested.