Mass Times
Our regular liturgical celebrations are shown below.
Please always check the current Cathedral Newsletter, as times may vary.

9am | Mass |
11am | Solemn Mass |
3pm | 1962 Rite Latin Mass First Sunday of the Month only |
4:30pm | Solemn Vespers and Benediction |
4:45pm – 5:15pm | Confessions |
5:30pm | Sung Mass |
10am | Mass |
10:40am | Rosary |
10am | Mass |
10:40am | Rosary |
5:30pm | Mass |
6pm – 6:30pm | Confessions and Adoration |
7:30am | Mass |
10am | Mass |
10:40am | Rosary |
10am | Mass |
10:40am | Rosary |
7:30am | Mass |
10am | Mass |
10:40am | Rosary |
10:40am | Adoration until Benediction at 4pm First Friday of the Month only |
10am | Mass |
10:30am – 11am | Confessions and Adoration |
5:15pm | Confessions | 6pm | Mass Saturday Anticipatory Mass |
Visit to find readings for the Mass of the Day.

In the Sacrament of Penance, the love and mercy of the Lord Jesus is made manifest in the forgiveness of sins, thereby reconciling the penitent with God and with his Church. Like all the sacraments, Penance is received by Catholics, or those about to become Catholics.
In this sacrament, a penitent confesses their sins to the priest, and, with an expression of contrition on the part of the penitent, the priest is able to grant sacramental absolution, the forgiveness and reconciliation of God.
Our “confessionals” are in the south transept of the Cathedral (to the right of the high altar), and a priest is available there at the times listed above. However, you may see a priest at any time, even anonymously, by making an appointment with the Cathedral Office or with any of the priests at any time.
Mass Intentions
In their participation at Mass, every baptised person may bring with them in their heart an “intention” something for which that person is praying.
What is a Mass intention?
The Mass has four principal effects for us: worship, thanksgiving, contrition, and petition.
Every Mass is offered for the glory of God and for the needs of the Church and of the world, the living and the dead. This is the general intention offered in the Mass by the Church.
Every baptised person participating in Mass may bring their own needs, joys, and sorrows, uniting their own life to the life of Christ on the altar. This is the personal intention offered in the Mass by those present.
The priest himself has his own specific intention. This is what is generally referred to when we say “Mass intention“. Parishioners may ask the priest to pray for their own personal intentions in this way, taking their needs to the Father.
Does a Mass intention cost any money?
Customararily parishioners made a financial donation to the priest to support him in his work. Nowadays, in this diocese, the financial donation goes into the parish funds, which not only helps pay the priest’s simple weekly wage, but it also supports the work of the parish community more widely and helps keep the Cathedral itself standing.
There is no charge for requesting a Mass intention, but donations are always gratefully received. In England, it is customary to offer at least £10 for a Mass intention. However, this will never be asked for, and a Mass intention request will always be accepted.
What can a Mass intention be?
We can ask for Mass to be offered for a living person, a deceased person, for family difficulties, in sickness, in thanksgiving. If it is appropriate to publicise the particular intention, then it will be published in the weekly newsletter.
What is a Foundation Mass?
This is a special Mass intention that has been established in the past with an endowment of money, which requires the priest to offer Mass for that intention on or close to that date for a period of years (usually for 25 years).
What is a Mass for the Holy Souls?
It is customary in November to pray for the dead. At every Mass, we pray for all the dead, too. But we can always offer Mass for the Holy Souls, that is, a general Mass for those souls in purgatory in need of our prayers, not only our loved ones, but also those who have no-one left to pray for them. In November, we always take a collection throughout the month for Masses for the Holy Souls, which are celebrated throughout the year. Some of these are celebrated in private.
How can I ask for a Mass intention?
Mass intention envelopes can be found at the back of the Cathedral, available in the shop, or in the Cathedral Office. You can put the details on the front, and an opportunity to make a cash donation in the envelope.
Donations can also be made on the Dona Collections plates in the Narthex or using the Dona Donate Portal.
You can also call the Cathedral Office 01603 624615 or email to make a Mass intention request.
The date and time you request will not always be available, especially if the requested date is within the next three or four weeks.
Mass Times
Our regular liturgical celebrations are shown below.
Please always check the current Cathedral Newsletter (link page), as times may vary.
9am | Mass |
11am | Solemn Mass |
3pm | Old Rite Latin Mass First Sunday of the Month only |
4:30pm | Solemn Vespers and Benediction |
4:45pm – 5:15pm | Confessions |
5:30pm | Sung Mass |
10am | Mass |
10:40am | Rosary |
10am | Mass |
10:40am | Rosary |
5:30pm | Mass |
6pm – 6:30pm | Confessions and Adoration |
7:30am | Mass |
10am | Mass |
10:40am | Rosary |
10am | Mass |
10:40am | Rosary |
7:30am | Mass |
10am | Mass |
10:40am | Rosary |
10:40am | Adoration until Benediction at 4pm First Friday of the Month only |
10am | Mass |
10:30am – 11am | Confessions and Adoration |
10:40am | Mass Saturday Anticipatory Mass |
Visit to find readings for the Mass of the Day.