About the Duckett Library
The Duckett Library is sited off St Joseph’s Chapel in the South Aisle of the Nave of the Cathedral. It is a lending library with a stock of religious publications on a wide range of topics. It has proved a valuable resource for those pursuing a course of study as well as those of all ages reading for their own personal learning and enjoyment.
The catalogue is accessible on-line – a guide to the cataloguing system is available from the library. The majority of books have been donated, many in memory of loved ones – these donors are acknowledged on the bookplate placed inside each book.
Contact Details
Phone Messages retrieved during opening hours
Library Membership
Membership of the Duckett Lending Library is free to Cathedral parishioners, members of the local community and the Diocese of East Anglia.
To join, please visit the library during opening hours.

Opening Hours
Tuesday and Thursdays
After 10am Mass until 12.30pm
After 9am Mass (approx. 9.50am – 10.40am)
When the library is closed, members can search the on-line catalogue and request books via email; these can either be reserved until that member’s next visit to the library, or issued for collection from the Cathedral shop.
Returned books may be left in the shop when the Library is closed, or in the ‘returns’ box outside the library.
During school holidays, the library is usually closed but library staff check emails so please feel free to request books or advice.
Support Our Library
Donations towards the on-going development of the library and purchase of new books are welcome.
Cheques can be made payable to: ‘The Cathedral of St John the Baptist Duckett Library’. Charity Registration No: 278742.
If you would be interested in joining our friendly team of volunteers, a love of books, confidence using a computer and a willingness to respect the Cathedral’s Catholic identity are the main requirements as training will be given. Please email duckettlibrary@sjbcathedral.org.uk to arrange an appointment giving brief details of your background, library experience (if any) and level of IT skills.

The Library is named in honour of the Revd. Canon Dr Richard Duckett, Rector of St John’s 1876-1910: his was the inspiration that led to the building of the magnificent church that is now the Cathedral of the Diocese of East Anglia.
The Library was established as part of a continuing programme of renewing and extending the Cathedral’s educational facilities. It was blessed by Bishop Michael Evans in 2010 and was opened on Ash Wednesday 22 February 2012 by the Revd. Fr. James Walsh, then Dean of the Cathedral.
The furnishing and equipping of the library was funded partly by the Narthex development, with generous assistance from the Friends of the Cathedral of East Anglia, the Cathedral Development Trust and other donors. The Library is dependent on its regular fundraising efforts to cover running costs and the purchase of new books.
The Library is a member of the Cathedral Libraries and Archives Association and maintains a close relationship with Norwich Cathedral Library.