How to Become a Catholic
Every autumn, we begin a weekly teaching course, the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA), open to all, exploring the fundamentals of the Catholic faith. Those who wish to become Catholic – particularly those who are not already baptised – would need to attend this teaching course. You would also be accompanied by a catechist (a lay teacher of the faith), as well as a priest, to get to know you more, and to help incorporate you into the Christian community over the course of the year. We explore not only the content of the faith in an intellectual way, but also explore growth in a life of prayer, in a life of love of others, and in a life of constant change and conversion to Jesus.
The culmination of this course is the Solemn Paschal Vigil, the night before Easter Day, where adults are fully initiated into the Catholic Church.

If you are not baptised at all
We will walk together towards baptism at the right time, and discover your journey in faith together both individually, and in our group teaching sessions.
If you are already baptised in another Christian community
Your level of existing Christian practice is respected and brought to complete communion with Christ in the Catholic Church. You would be received at the earliest appropriate time on your own journey in faith. We recommend that you attend the teaching sessions anyway.
If you are already a Catholic, but do not practice the faith
Or you left the Church in the past, come along and have a chat with any of our priests, you are welcome to attend our open teaching sessions. We desire to welcome you home, no matter how far you may have travelled.
If you would like to become a Catholic, please complete this form and the Cathedral Office will contact you.